
Modelled somewhat after Google’s Summer of Code, typically where computer science undergraduate students under the guidance and/or mentorship of a monitoring professor or senior/grad student/project manager, tackle projects previously defined by others.

Financed by donations received from various sources ranging from individuals, associations, corporate sponsors, fund raiser programs, government matching, among other methods of raising funds.

Multiple student – mentor pairs will be interviewed, after they have studied the project specification, to determine their suitability before the most suitable two or three pairs would be offered contracts for various portions of the system, with modest remuneration for each programmer – mentor pair, based upon progress payments. Successful completion of any project is expected to contribute to the student’s academic credit as a further compensation for the student programmers.

Once fully operational, program project cycles will be coordinated with the university’s academic year, with systems to be released as beta versions after internal quality assurance, and to be released as version 1.0 after the user testing – bug squashing phase is completed.

Following years will see incorporating additional functionality in previous work, in response to user suggestions / requests. Starting the next phase of the system will also be an option.