NeedleZZZ Vaccines

NeedleZZZ is an online program that permits individuals and/or families to learn about and record their vaccine status.

The user profiles would include all typical vaccines including: diphtheria; tetanus; pertussis (whooping cough); polio; measles; mumps; rubella; and meningitis (meningococcal disease).

The program would include immunization dates and specific detail about the serum employed including lot numbers, etc.

The program would have an email feedback system that communicates with users, advising them of relevant information as it becomes available, or some action is suggested such as reminders for boosters, etc.

SARS and COVID immunizations and history would also be recordable, including any special vaccines required for traveling to other parts of the world.

A phase two goal would provide the convenience of being able import immunization data from GP or other medical systems, recognizing the diversity of systems, perhaps employing JSON files, etc.

Likewise in phase two, the ability to import proof of vaccines, positive or negative proof of test results, proof of vaccine potency as measured from blood tests. In the event of contracting a disease, capture the date, duration, medication regimen, severity, and other disease attributes.